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Allah SWT berfirman, "Sebenarnya (malaikat - malaikat itu) adalah hamba - hamba yang dimuliakan, mereka tidak mendahului-Nya dengan perkataan dan mereka mengerjakan perintah - perintah-Nya. Allah mengetahui segala sesuatu yang dihadapan mereka dan yang dibelakang mereka, dan mereka tidak memberikan syafa'at melainkan kepada orang - orang yang diridhai Allah, dan mereka selalu berhati - hati karena takut kepada-Nya" (QS Al Anbiyaa' 26-28)
Inilah orang - orang yang didoakan oleh para malaikat :

1. Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan bersuci. Imam Ibnu Hibban meriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Umar ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang tidur dalam keadaan suci, maka malaikat akan bersamanya di dalam pakaiannya. Dia tidak akan bangun hingga malaikat berdoa 'Ya Allah, ampunilah hambamu si fulan karena tidur dalam keadaan suci'" (hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih At Targhib wat Tarhib I/37)

2. Orang yang duduk menunggu shalat. Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidaklah salah seorang diantara kalian yang duduk menunggu shalat, selama ia berada dalam keadaan suci, kecuali para malaikat akan mendoakannya 'Ya Allah, ampunilah ia. Ya Allah sayangilah ia'" (Shahih Muslim no. 469)

3. Orang - orang yang berada di shaf bagian depan di dalam shalat. Imam Abu Dawud (dan Ibnu Khuzaimah) dari Barra' bin 'Azib ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya Allah dan para malaikat-Nya bershalawat kepada (orang - orang) yang berada pada shaf - shaf terdepan" (hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Sunan Abi Dawud I/130)

4. Orang - orang yang menyambung shaf (tidak membiarkan sebuah kekosongan di dalm shaf). Para Imam yaitu Ahmad, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Khuzaimah, Ibnu Hibban dan Al Hakim meriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya Allah dan para malaikat selalu bershalawat kepada orang - orang yang menyambung shaf - shaf" (hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih At Targhib wat Tarhib I/272)

5. Para malaikat mengucapkan 'Amin' ketika seorang Imam selesai membaca Al Fatihah. Imam Bukhari meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Jika seorang Imam membaca 'ghairil maghdhuubi 'alaihim waladh dhaalinn', maka ucapkanlah oleh kalian 'aamiin', karena barangsiapa ucapannya itu bertepatan dengan ucapan malaikat, maka ia akan diampuni dosanya yang masa lalu" (Shahih Bukhari no. 782)

6. Orang yang duduk di tempat shalatnya setelah melakukan shalat. Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah, bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Para malaikat akan selalu bershalawat kepada salah satu diantara kalian selama ia ada di dalam tempat shalat dimana ia melakukan shalat, selama ia belum batal wudhunya, (para malaikat) berkata, 'Ya Allah ampunilah dan sayangilah ia'" (Al Musnad no. 8106, Syaikh Ahmad Syakir menshahihkan hadits ini)

7. Orang - orang yang melakukan shalat shubuh dan 'ashar secara berjama'ah. Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Para malaikat berkumpul pada saat shalat shubuh lalu para malaikat ( yang menyertai hamba) pada malam hari (yang sudah bertugas malam hari hingga shubuh) naik (ke langit), dan malaikat pada siang hari tetap tinggal. Kemudian mereka berkumpul lagi pada waktu shalat 'ashar dan malaikat yang ditugaskan pada siang hari (hingga shalat 'ashar) naik (ke langit) sedangkan malaikat yang bertugas pada malam hari tetap tinggal, lalu Allah bertanya kepada mereka, 'Bagaimana kalian meninggalkan hambaku ?', mereka menjawab, 'Kami datang sedangkan mereka sedang melakukan shalat dan kami tinggalkan mereka sedangkan mereka sedang melakukan shalat, maka ampunilah mereka pada hari kiamat'" (Al Musnad no. 9140, hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Ahmad Syakir)

8. Orang yang mendoakan saudaranya tanpa sepengetahuan orang yang didoakan. Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Muslim dari Ummud Darda' ra., bahwasannya Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Doa seorang muslim untuk saudaranya yang dilakukan tanpa sepengetahuan orang yang didoakannya adalah doa yang akan dikabulkan. Pada kepalanya ada seorang malaikat yang menjadi wakil baginya, setiap kali dia berdoa untuk saudaranya dengan sebuah kebaikan, maka malaikat tersebut berkata 'aamiin dan engkaupun mendapatkan apa yang ia dapatkan'" (Shahih Muslim no. 2733)

9. Orang - orang yang berinfak. Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidak satu hari pun dimana pagi harinya seorang hamba ada padanya kecuali 2 malaikat turun kepadanya, salah satu diantara keduanya berkata, 'Ya Allah, berikanlah ganti bagi orang yang berinfak'. Dan lainnya berkata, 'Ya Allah, hancurkanlah harta orang yang pelit'" (Shahih Bukhari no. 1442 dan Shahih Muslim no. 1010)

10. Orang yang makan sahur. Imam Ibnu Hibban dan Imam Ath Thabrani, meriwayaatkan dari Abdullah bin Umar ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya Allah dan para malaikat-Nya bershalawat kepada orang - orang yang makan sahur" (hadits ini dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih At Targhiib wat Tarhiib I/519)

11. Orang yang menjenguk orang sakit. Imam Ahmad meriwayatkan dari 'Ali bin Abi Thalib ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidaklah seorang mukmin menjenguk saudaranya kecuali Allah akan mengutus 70.000 malaikat untuknya yang akan bershalawat kepadanya di waktu siang kapan saja hingga sore dan di waktu malam kapan saja hingga shubuh" (Al Musnad no. 754, Syaikh Ahmad Syakir berkomentar, "Sanadnya shahih")

12. Seseorang yang mengajarkan kebaikan kepada orang lain. Diriwayatkan oleh Imam Tirmidzi dari Abu Umamah Al Bahily ra., bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Keutamaan seorang alim atas seorang ahli ibadah bagaikan keutamaanku atas seorang yang paling rendah diantara kalian. Sesungguhnya penghuni langit dan bumi, bahkan semut yang di dalam lubangnya dan bahkan ikan, semuanya bershalawat kepada orang yang mengajarkan kebaikan kepada orang lain" (dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Kitab Shahih At Tirmidzi II/343)

Maraji' :

Disarikan dari Buku Orang - orang yang Didoakan Malaikat, Syaikh Fadhl Ilahi, Pustaka Ibnu Katsir, Bogor, Cetakan Pertama, Februari 2005

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My Inspiration

It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness. I believe that every one of us has the means to be happy, to access the warm and compassionate states of mind that bring happiness. In fact, it is one of my fundamental beliefs that not only do we inherently possess the potential for compassion, but I believe that the basic or underlying nature of human beings is gentleness.
The practice of altruism is the authentic way to live as a human being, and it is not just for religious people. As human beings, our purpose is to live meaningful lives, to develop a warm heart. There is meaning in being everyone's friend. The real source of peace amongst our families, friends and neighbours is love and compassion.
It is important to understand that counterproductive actions of body, speech and mind do not arise of their own accord, but spring up in dependence on our motivation. Faulty states of mind give rise to faulty actions. To control negative physical and verbal actions, we need to tame our minds.
Giving up attachment to the world does not mean that you set yourself apart from it. Generating a desire for others to be happy increases your humanity. As you become less attached to the world, you become more humane. As the very purpose of spiritual practice is to help others, you must remain in society.
We have different degrees of happiness and different kinds of suffering. Material objects give rise to physical happiness, while spiritual development gives rise to mental happiness. Since we experience both physical and mental happiness, we need both material and spiritual development. This is why, for our own good and that of society we need to balance material progress with inner development.
My advice is that if you must be selfish, be wisely selfish. Wise people serve others sincerely, putting the needs of others above their own. Ultimately you will be happier. The kind of selfishness that provokes fighting, killing, stealing, using harsh words, forgetting other people’s welfare will only result in your own los
People inflict pain on others in their selfish pursuit of happiness and satisfaction. Yet true happiness comes from a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood. We need to cultivate a sense of universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share.
I am convinced that human nature is basically affectionate and good. If our behavior follows our kind and loving nature, immense benefits will result, not only for ourselves, but also for the society to which we belong. I generally refer to this sort of love and affection as a universal religion. Everyone needs it, believers as much as non-believers. This attitude constitutes the very basis of morality.
See if paying attention to the nature of the mind early in the morning makes your mind more alert throughout the day. Your thoughts certainly will be more tranquil. The conceptual mind that runs on thinking of good things, bad things, and so forth will get a rest. A little non-conceptuality can provide a much-needed vacation.
Compassion is of little value if it just remains an idea. It must motivate how we respond to others and be reflected in all our thoughts and actions.
Because of the great differences in our ways of thinking, it is inevitable that we have different religions and faiths. Each has its own beauty. And it is much better that we live together on the basis of mutual respect and mutual admiration.
Peace is not just the mere absence of violence or disturbance. It's when there is a possibility of conflict, but you deliberately avoid violence and adopt methods to solve the problem through peaceful means. That is real peace
 Each one of us is responsible for the whole of humankind. We need to think of each other really as brothers and sisters and to be concerned for each other’s welfare. Rather than working solely to acquire wealth, we need to do something meaningful, something directed seriously towards the welfare of humanity as a whole.
Anger cannot be overcome by anger. If someone is angry with you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. On the other hand, if you control your anger and show its opposite – love, compassion, tolerance and patience – not only will you remain peaceful, but the other person's anger will also diminish.
Whatever path our activity takes, if our intention is to make ourselves useful to others, there is a good chance our conduct will be useful; whereas activities generally considered to be good, such as the practice of religion, risk causing more harm than good if they are not motivated by a desire to help our fellow beings.
 Love, compassion and concern for others are real sources of happiness. If you have these in abundance, you will not be disturbed even by the most uncomfortable circumstances. If you nurse hatred, however, you will not be happy even in the lap of luxury. Thus, if we really want happiness, we must widen the sphere of love. This is both religious thinking and basic common sense.
 Some people automatically associate morality and altruism with a religious vision of the world. But I believe it is a mistake to think that morality is an attribute only of religion. We can imagine two types of spirituality: one tied to religion, while the other arises spontaneously in the human heart as an expression of love for our neighbors and a desire to do them good.
 Foolish, selfish people are always thinking of themselves and the result is always negative. Wise persons think of others, helping them as much as they can, and the result is happiness. Love and compassion are beneficial both for you and others. Through your kindness to others, your mind and heart will open to peace.
 When we face problems or disagreements today, we have to arrive at solutions through dialogue. Dialogue is the only appropriate method. One-sided victory is no longer acceptable. We must work to resolve conflicts in a spirit of reconciliation, always keeping others' interests in mind.
 Friends, genuine friends, are attracted by a warm heart, not money, not power. A genuine friend considers you as just another human being, as a brother or sister, and shows affection on that level, regardless of whether you are rich or poor, or in a high position; that is a genuine friend.
 Our visit to this planet is short, so we should use our time meaningfully, which we can do by helping others wherever possible. And if we cannot help others, at least we should try not to create pain and suffering for them.
 Practicing compassion, caring for others and sharing their problems, lays the foundation for a meaningful life, not only at the level of the individual, family or community, but also for humanity as a whole.
 In training the mind, perspective is of crucial importance. We cannot expect to transform our minds in a few minutes or even a few weeks, thinking, perhaps, that the blessings of an enlightened individual will enable us to obtain immediate results. Such an attitude is not realistic. It takes a long time, sometimes years or even decades; but if we persevere, there is no doubt we will make progress
 As human beings we possess determination and intelligence, the combination of which offers many opportunities. It is important to direct our intelligence with good intentions. Without intelligence, we cannot accomplish very much. Without good intentions, the way we exercise of our intelligence may have destructive results.
 In a world in which demographic growth and progress in communications have put us in very close contact with our neighbors, the very survival of humanity depends on our working together. That is why more than ever, we must look upon humanity as one entity. The problems that we face go beyond individuals and nations. We can only resolve them through an effort of shared responsibility.
 It is clear that inner peace is the principal cause of happiness. We can observe this in our daily lives. On days when we are calm and happy, even if difficulties arise or we fall victim to a mishap, we take it well, it doesn’t bother us unduly. But on days when we feel sad or have lost our usual calmness, the least little annoyance will take on enormous proportions and be deeply upsetting to us.
 Whatever the intellectual quality of the education given our children, it is vital that it include elements of love and compassion, for nothing guarantees that knowledge alone will be truly useful to human beings. Among the major troublemakers society has known, many were well-educated and had great knowledge, but they lacked a moral education in qualities such as compassion, wisdom and clarity of
The key to genuine happiness is in our hands. To think this way is to discover the essential values of kindness, brotherly love and altruism. The more clearly we see the benefits of these values, the more we will seek to reject anything that opposes them; in this way we will be able to bring about inner transformation.
 When confronted with human problems, force will not bring a lasting solution. That is why I attach great importance to the feeling of mutual love among all human beings, as well as to the sense of responsibility of community life. These concepts are the source of peace everywhere in the world. They are the origin of all individual and collective fulfillment in a human community and therefore of concern to us all
 Although there is no certainty about what lies ahead, people live with the hope that all will go well for them. It is impossible to fulfill our life when we are utterly discouraged. But if we manage to keep our hopes in the future alive, we will be able to overcome all sorts of difficulties and go on living.
 Through constant familiarity, we can definitely establish new behavior patterns, using our tendency to form habits to our advantage. If we make a steady effort, I think we can overcome any form of negative conditioning and make positive changes in our lives. But we need to remember that genuine change doesn't happen overnight.
Since patience or tolerance comes from an ability to remain steadfast, to avoid being overwhelmed by adverse situations or conditions, we should not see patience as a sign of weakness or giving in, but rather as a sign of strength. Responding to a trying situation with patience and tolerance rather than reacting with anger and hatred involves active restraint, which arises from a strong, self-disciplined mind.
A given situation can be viewed as either unbearable or beneficial: it depends how we look at it. We must make certain that things don’t begin to seem unbearable. If we look too closely at problems we will see nothing else and they will appear all out of proportion with reality; that is when they become intolerable. If we can stand back from them, we will be better able to judge them and they will seem less serious.
All the positive states of mind such as love, compassion, insight and so on, have the quality that you can enhance their capacity and increase their potential to a limitless degree, if you regularly practice them through training and by developing constant familiarity with them.
Feelings of anger and hatred arise from a mind that is troubled by dissatisfaction and discontent. So you can prepare to deal with such occasions by constantly working to build inner contentment and by cultivating kindness and compassion. This brings about a certain calmness of mind that can help prevent anger from arising in the first place.
The more you think about your own self, the more self-centred you are, the more trouble even small problems can create in your mind. The stronger your sense of ‘I’, the narrower the scope of your thinking becomes; then even small obstacles become unbearable. On the other hand, if you concern yourself mainly with others, the broader your thinking becomes, and life’s inevitable difficulties disturb you less.
I feel that an individual whose actions are motivated by the wish to bring others happiness necessarily meets with less misfortune that one who does not. Sickness, old age, mishaps of one sort or another are the same for us all. But the sufferings which undermine our internal peace - anxiety, doubt, disappointment - these are definitely less.
Adopting a wider perspective includes working cooperatively with others. Crises that are global by nature, such as problems related to climate change or the modern economic structure, call for coordinated and concerted efforts among many people, with a sense of responsibility and commitment - this is more encompassing than any individual or personal issue.
At a fundamental level, as human beings, we are all the same; each one of us aspires to happiness and each one of us does not wish to suffer. This is why, whenever I have the opportunity, I try to draw people's attention to what as members of the human family we have in common and the deeply interconnected nature of our existence and welfare.
In spiritual growth, it is important to avoid imbalances between academic or intellectual learning and practical implementation. Otherwise there is a danger that too much intellectualization will kill the more contemplative practices and too much emphasis on practical implementation without study will kill the understanding. There has got to be a balance.
It is very important to value all religious systems. Although they may have great philosophical differences, they all have precepts for cultivating a good attitude toward others and helping them. They all counsel the practice of love, compassion, patience, contentment, and observing society’s rules. Since all religions share these goals, it is important to respect them and to value the contribution they can make.
For healthy mental and emotional growth, we need a gentle, skillful, balanced approach, avoiding extremes. If we are becoming arrogant and self-important, the antidote is to think about our own problems and sufferings, to bring us down to earth. But if we are feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, helpless and depressed, it's important to reflect on our positive qualities or achievements to uplift our minds
In contemporary life, humility is more important than ever. The more successful we become, both as individuals and as a family, through our development of science and technology, the more essential it becomes to preserve humility. For the greater our material achievements, the more vulnerable we become to pride and arrogance.
Learning is the first step in making positive changes within yourself. Other factors are conviction, determination, action and effort. Learning and education help develop conviction about the need to change and increase your commitment. Conviction then develops into determination. Next, strong determination leads to action: a sustained effort to implement the changes. This final factor of effort is critical.
I feel that the moment you adopt a sense of caring for others, it brings you inner strength. Inner strength brings inner tranquility, greater self-confidence. Because of such attitudes, even when things going on around you seem hostile and negative, you can still sustain your peace of mind.
My belief is that the various religious traditions have great potential to increase compassion, the sense of caring for one another, and the spirit of reconciliation. However, I believe that a human being, without religious faith, can be a very good person - sincere, a good heart, having a sense of concern for others - without belief in a particular religious faith.
Compassion creates a positive, friendly atmosphere. With such an attitude, you can create the possibility of receiving affection or a positive response from someone else. If the other person doesn't respond to you in a positive way, your own feeling of openness gives you the flexibility and freedom to change your approach as needed and still allows for the possibility of having a meaningful conversation with them.
It is my firm conviction that human nature is essentially compassionate and gentle. That is the predominant feature of human nature. Anger, violence, and aggression may arise, but on a secondary or more superficial level; in a sense, they arise when we are frustrated in our efforts to achieve love and affection. They are not part of our most basic, underlying nature.
My basic belief is that first you need to realize the usefulness of compassion, that's the key factor. Once you accept the fact that compassion is not something childish or sentimental, once you realize that compassion is something really worthwhile and realize its deeper value, then you immediately develop an attraction towards it, a willingness to cultivate it.
People often expect the other person to respond first in a positive way, instead of taking the initiative to create that possibility. I feel that's wrong; it can act as a barrier that just promotes a feeling of isolation from others. To overcome feelings of isolation and loneliness, your underlying attitude makes a tremendous difference - approaching others with the thought of compassion in your mind is the best way.
When we speak of a calm state of mind or peace of mind, we shouldn't confuse that with an insensitive state of apathy. Having a calm or peaceful state of mind doesn't mean being spaced out or completely empty. Peace of mind or a calm state of mind is rooted in affection and compassion and is sensitive and responsive to others.
Even our physical structure seems more suited to feelings of love and compassion. We can see how a calm, affectionate, wholesome state of mind benefits our health and physical well-being. Conversely, feelings of frustration, fear, agitation, and anger can be destructive to our health. This is why we are impelled to seek happiness.
Hatred, jealousy and excessive attachment cause suffering and agitation. I feel compassion can help us overcome these disturbances and let us return to a calm state of mind. Compassion is not just being kind to your friend. That involves attachment because it is based on expectation. Compassion is when you do something good without any expectations – based on realizing that “the other person is also just like me”.
True happiness comes from having a sense of inner peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved by cultivating altruism, love and compassion, and by eliminating anger, selfishness and greed.
Today, the values of democracy, open society, respect for human rights, and equality are becoming recognized all over the world as universal values. To my mind there is an intimate connection between democratic values, such as transparency, the rule of law and freedom of information, and the fundamental values of human goodness.
I am especially encouraged to see that thinking of consumerism as an end in itself seems to be giving way to an appreciation that we humans must conserve the earth's resources.
Although I personally believe that our human nature is fundamentally gentle and compassionate, I feel it is not enough that this is our underlying nature; we must also develop an appreciation and awareness of that fact. And changing how we perceive ourselves, through learning and understanding, can have a very real impact on how we interact with others and how we conduct our daily lives.
Too much of a self-centered attitude creates mistrust and suspicion in others, which can in turn lead to fear. But if you have more of an open mind, and you cultivate a sense of concern for others' well-being, then, no matter what others' attitudes are, you can keep your inner peace
I believe that at all levels of society, whether that involves our family, nation or the international community, the key to a better, happier world is greater compassion. It is not necessary to become religious, or to believe in an ideology to bring this about. The important thing is to develop our basic human qualities as much as we can.
Our life depends on others so much that at the root of our existence is a fundamental need for love. That is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of others.
Neither peace nor war exists independently of us. Political and military leaders have grave responsibilities with respect to peace - but they too are members of the society that we as individuals help to create. Peace in the world depends on peace in the hearts of individuals; this depends on each of us practising ethics by disciplining our negative thoughts and emotions, and developing basic spiritual qualities.
The compassionate mind is very important. Fear, anger, jealousy are based on a self-centered attitude. By developing a sense of caring for others' well-being your heart automatically opens and that brings transparency, straightforwardness and honesty, which leads to friendship. We are social animals, and one individual's survival relies entirely on the rest of the community.
If you have peace of mind, when you meet with problems and difficulties they won’t disturb your inner peace. You’ll be able to employ your human intelligence more effectively. But, if your mental state is disturbed, full of emotion, it is very difficult to cope with problems, because the mind that is full of emotion is biased, unable to see reality. So whatever you do will be unrealistic and naturally fail.
Dalai Lama

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Lagu Islam


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Tidak Akan Merasa Kehilangan

Adhysatria Tidak Akan Pernah Merasa Kehilangan

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Terima Kasih Tuhan


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السلام عليكم . بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِي
Ramadhan yang dirindukan telah menjelang. Setiap kita mempunyai beragam cara untuk menyambutnya. Musim kebaikan tahunan ini memang tak layak untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Bahkan Rasulullah SAW sejak awal mengadakan briefing penyambutan Ramadhan di tengah-tengah para sahabat. Dari Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah SAW bersabda : " Sungguh telah datang padamu sebuah bulan yang penuh berkah dimana diwajibkan atasmu puasa di dalamnya, (bulan) dibukanya pintu-pintu surga, dan ditutupnya pintu-pintu neraka jahannam, dan dibelenggunya syaitan-syaitan, Di dalamnya ada sebuah malam yang lebih mulia dari seribu bulan. Barang siapa diharamkan dari kebaikannya, maka telah diharamkan (seluruhnya) "(HR Ahmad, Nasa'i dan Baihaqi.
dan dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran
Wahai org2 yg beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana tlh diwajibkan atas org2 sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa(QS 2:183)

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14 Jun 2011


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Yang kutunggu hanyalah senyumanmu

Indah matamu
Gerai rambutmu
Menunjukkan itulah keindahan
Yang memberikan
Bentuk senyuman
Sebentuk usapan
Kepada hati

Sinar wajahmu
Lembut katamu
Sepertinya mampu
Menggubah dunia
Yang terasa
Begitu hampa
Semuanya sirna
Tanpa cinta

Arti kerinduan
Dan kumengerti
Yang kucari
Oh bukanlah
Cantikmu yang kucari
Bukanlah itu
Yang kutunggu hanyalah

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When you delete IP content, it is deleted in a manner similar to emptying the recycle bin on a computer. However, you understand that removed content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time (but will not be available to others).
When you use an application, your content and information is shared with the application. We require applications to respect your privacy, and your agreement with that application will control how the application can use, store, and transfer that content and information. (To learn more about Platform, read our Privacy Policy and Platform Page.)
When you publish content or information using the "everyone" setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of Facebook, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).
We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about Facebook, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).

We do our best to keep Facebook safe, but we cannot guarantee it. We need your help to do that, which includes the following commitments:
You will not send or otherwise post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on Facebook.
You will not collect users' content or information, or otherwise access Facebook, using automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spiders, or scrapers) without our permission.
You will not engage in unlawful multi-level marketing, such as a pyramid scheme, on Facebook.
You will not upload viruses or other malicious code.
You will not solicit login information or access an account belonging to someone else.
You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user.
You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence.
You will not develop or operate a third-party application containing alcohol-related or other mature content (including advertisements) without appropriate age-based restrictions.
You will not offer any contest, giveaway, or sweepstakes ("promotion") on Facebook without our prior written consent. If we consent, you take full responsibility for the promotion, and will follow our Promotions Guidelines and all applicable laws.
You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory.
You will not do anything that could disable, overburden, or impair the proper working of Facebook, such as a denial of service attack.
You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement.
Registration and Account Security

Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:
You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
You will not create more than one personal profile.
If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.
You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser).
You will not use Facebook if you are under 13.
You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender.
You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
You will not share your password, (or in the case of developers, your secret key), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.
You will not transfer your account (including any page or application you administer) to anyone without first getting our written permission.
If you select a username for your account we reserve the right to remove or reclaim it if we believe appropriate (such as when a trademark owner complains about a username that does not closely relate to a user's actual name).
Protecting Other People's Rights

We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.
You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law.
We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement.
We will provide you with tools to help you protect your intellectual property rights. To learn more, visit our How to Report Claims of Intellectual Property Infringement page.
If we remove your content for infringing someone else's copyright, and you believe we removed it by mistake, we will provide you with an opportunity to appeal.
If you repeatedly infringe other people's intellectual property rights, we will disable your account when appropriate.
You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Facebook, the Facebook and F Logos, FB, Face, Poke, Wall and 32665), or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.
If you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what information you collect and how you will use it.
You will not post anyone's identification documents or sensitive financial information on Facebook.
You will not tag users or send email invitations to non-users without their consent.
We currently provide our mobile services for free, but please be aware that your carrier's normal rates and fees, such as text messaging fees, will still apply.
In the event you change or deactivate your mobile telephone number, you will update your account information on Facebook within 48 hours to ensure that your messages are not sent to the person who acquires your old number.
You provide all rights necessary to enable users to sync (including through an application) their contact lists with any basic information and contact information that is visible to them on Facebook, as well as your name and profile picture.

If you make a payment on Facebook or use Facebook Credits, you agree to our Payments Terms.
Special Provisions Applicable to Share Links

If you include our Share Link button on your website, the following additional terms apply to you:
We give you permission to use Facebook's Share Link button so that users can post links or content from your website on Facebook.
You give us permission to use and allow others to use such links and content on Facebook.
You will not place a Share Link button on any page containing content that would violate this Statement if posted on Facebook.
Special Provisions Applicable to Developers/Operators of Applications and Websites

If you are a developer or operator of a Platform application or website, the following additional terms apply to you:
You are responsible for your application and its content and all uses you make of Platform. This includes ensuring your application or use of Platform meets our Facebook Platform Policies and our Advertising Guidelines.
Your access to and use of data you receive from Facebook, will be limited as follows:
You will only request data you need to operate your application.
You will have a privacy policy that tells users what user data you are going to use and how you will use, display, share, or transfer that data and you will include your privacy policy URL in the Developer Application.
You will not use, display, share, or transfer a user’s data in a manner inconsistent with your privacy policy.
You will delete all data you receive from us concerning a user if the user asks you to do so, and will provide a mechanism for users to make such a request.
You will not include data you receive from us concerning a user in any advertising creative.
You will not directly or indirectly transfer any data you receive from us to (or use such data in connection with) any ad network, ad exchange, data broker, or other advertising related toolset, even if a user consents to that transfer or use.
You will not sell user data. If you are acquired by or merge with a third party, you can continue to use user data within your application, but you cannot transfer user data outside of your application.
We can require you to delete user data if you use it in a way that we determine is inconsistent with users’ expectations.
We can limit your access to data.
You will comply with all other restrictions contained in our Facebok Platform Policies.
You will not give us information that you independently collect from a user or a user's content without that user's consent.
You will make it easy for users to remove or disconnect from your application.
You will make it easy for users to contact you. We can also share your email address with users and others claiming that you have infringed or otherwise violated their rights.
You will provide customer support for your application.
You will not show third party ads or web search boxes on Facebook.
We give you all rights necessary to use the code, APIs, data, and tools you receive from us.
You will not sell, transfer, or sublicense our code, APIs, or tools to anyone.
You will not misrepresent your relationship with Facebook to others.
You may use the logos we make available to developers or issue a press release or other public statement so long as you follow our Facebook Platform Policies.
We can issue a press release describing our relationship with you.
You will comply with all applicable laws. In particular you will (if applicable):
have a policy for removing infringing content and terminating repeat infringers that complies with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
comply with the Video Privacy Protection Act ("VPPA"), and obtain any opt-in consent necessary from users so that user data subject to the VPPA may be shared on Facebook. You represent that any disclosure to us will not be incidental to the ordinary course of your business.
We do not guarantee that Platform will always be free.
You give us all rights necessary to enable your application to work with Facebook, including the right to incorporate content and information you provide to us into streams, profiles, and user action stories.
You give us the right to link to or frame your application, and place content, including ads, around your application.
We can analyze your application, content, and data for any purpose, including commercial (such as for targeting the delivery of advertisements and indexing content for search).
To ensure your application is safe for users, we can audit it.
We can create applications that offer similar features and services to, or otherwise compete with, your application.
About Advertisements and Other Commercial Content Served or Enhanced by Facebook

Our goal is to deliver ads that are not only valuable to advertisers, but also valuable to you. In order to do that, you agree to the following:
You can use your privacy settings to limit how your name and profile picture may be associated with commercial, sponsored, or related content (such as a brand you like) served or enhanced by us. You give us permission to use your name and profile picture in connection with that content, subject to the limits you place.
We do not give your content or information to advertisers without your consent.
You understand that we may not always identify paid services and communications as such.
Special Provisions Applicable to Advertisers

You can target your specific audience by buying ads on Facebook or our publisher network. The following additional terms apply to you if you place an order through our online advertising portal ("Order"):
When you place an Order, you will tell us the type of advertising you want to buy, the amount you want to spend, and your bid. If we accept your Order, we will deliver your ads as inventory becomes available. When serving your ad, we do our best to deliver the ads to the audience you specify, although we cannot guarantee in every instance that your ad will reach its intended target.
In instances where we believe doing so will enhance the effectiveness of your advertising campaign, we may broaden the targeting criteria you specify.
You will pay for your Orders in accordance with our Payments Terms. The amount you owe will be calculated based on our tracking mechanisms.
Your ads will comply with our Advertising Guidelines.
We will determine the size, placement, and positioning of your ads.
We do not guarantee the activity that your ads will receive, such as the number of clicks you will get.
We cannot control how people interact with your ads, and are not responsible for click fraud or other improper actions that affect the cost of running ads. We do, however, have systems to detect and filter certain suspicious activity, learn more here.
You can cancel your Order at any time through our online portal, but it may take up to 24 hours before the ad stops running. You are responsible for paying for those ads.
Our license to run your ad will end when we have completed your Order. You understand, however, that if users have interacted with your ad, your ad may remain until the users delete it.
We can use your ads and related content and information for marketing or promotional purposes.
You will not issue any press release or make public statements about your relationship with Facebook without written permission.
We may reject or remove any ad for any reason.
If you are placing ads on someone else's behalf, we need to make sure you have permission to place those ads, including the following:
You warrant that you have the legal authority to bind the advertiser to this Statement.
You agree that if the advertiser you represent violates this Statement, we may hold you responsible for that violation.
Special Provisions Applicable to Pages
If you create or administer a Page on Facebook, you agree to our Pages Terms.
We can change this Statement if we provide you notice (by posting the change on the Facebook Site Governance Page) and an opportunity to comment. To get notice of any future changes to this Statement, visit our Facebook Site Governance Page and become a fan.
For changes to sections 7, 8, 9, and 11 (sections relating to payments, application developers, website operators, and advertisers), we will give you a minimum of three days notice. For all other changes we will give you a minimum of seven days notice. All such comments must be made on the Facebook Site Governance Page.
If more than 7,000 users comment on the proposed change, we will also give you the opportunity to participate in a vote in which you will be provided alternatives. The vote shall be binding on us if more than 30% of all active registered users as of the date of the notice vote.
We can make changes for legal or administrative reasons, or to correct an inaccurate statement, upon notice without opportunity to comment.

If you violate the letter or spirit of this Statement, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for us, we can stop providing all or part of Facebook to you. We will notify you by email or at the next time you attempt to access your account. You may also delete your account or disable your application at any time. In all such cases, this Statement shall terminate, but the following provisions will still apply: 2.2, 2.4, 3-5, 8.2, 9.1-9.3, 9.9, 9.10, 9.13, 9.15, 9.18, 10.3, 11.2, 11.5, 11.6, 11.9, 11.12, 11.13, and 14-18.
You will resolve any claim, cause of action or dispute ("claim") you have with us arising out of or relating to this Statement or Facebook exclusively in a state or federal court located in Santa Clara County. The laws of the State of California will govern this Statement, as well as any claim that might arise between you and us, without regard to conflict of law provisions. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Santa Clara County, California for the purpose of litigating all such claims.
If anyone brings a claim against us related to your actions, content or information on Facebook, you will indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all damages, losses, and expenses of any kind (including reasonable legal fees and costs) related to such claim.
Special Provisions Applicable to Users Outside the United States

We strive to create a global community with consistent standards for everyone, but we also strive to respect local laws. The following provisions apply to users outside the United States:
You consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.
If you are located in a country embargoed by the United States, or are on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals you will not engage in commercial activities on Facebook (such as advertising or payments) or operate a Platform application or website.
Certain specific terms that apply only for German users are available here.
By "Facebook" we mean the features and services we make available, including through (a) our website at and any other Facebook branded or co-branded websites (including sub-domains, international versions, widgets, and mobile versions); (b) our Platform; (c) social plugins such as the like button, the share button and other similar offerings and (d) other media, software (such as a toolbar), devices, or networks now existing or later developed.
By "Platform" we mean a set of APIs and services that enable others, including application developers and website operators, to retrieve data from Facebook or provide data to us.
By "information" we mean facts and other information about you, including actions you take.
By "content" we mean anything you post on Facebook that would not be included in the definition of "information."
By "data" we mean content and information that third parties can retrieve from Facebook or provide to Facebook through Platform.
By "post" we mean post on Facebook or otherwise make available to us (such as by using an application).
By "use" we mean use, copy, publicly perform or display, distribute, modify, translate, and create derivative works of.
By "active registered user" we mean a user who has logged into Facebook at least once in the previous 30 days.
By "application" we mean any application or website that uses or accesses Platform, as well as anything else that receives or has received data from us. If you no longer access Platform but have not deleted all data from us, the term application will apply until you delete the data.
If you are a resident of or have your principal place of business in the US or Canada, this Statement is an agreement between you and Facebook, Inc. Otherwise, this Statement is an agreement between you and Facebook Ireland Limited. References to “us,” “we,” and “our” mean either Facebook, Inc. or Facebook Ireland Limited, as appropriate.
This Statement makes up the entire agreement between the parties regarding Facebook, and supersedes any prior agreements.
If any portion of this Statement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining portion will remain in full force and effect.
If we fail to enforce any of this Statement, it will not be considered a waiver.
Any amendment to or waiver of this Statement must be made in writing and signed by us.
You will not transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Statement to anyone else without our consent.
All of our rights and obligations under this Statement are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, or by operation of law or otherwise.
Nothing in this Statement shall prevent us from complying with the law.
This Statement does not confer any third party beneficiary rights.
You will comply with all applicable laws when using or accessing Facebook.

You may also want to review the following documents:

Privacy Policy: The Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect and use information.
Payment Terms: These additional terms apply to all payments made on or through Facebook.
Platform Page: This page helps you better understand what happens when you add a third-party application or use Facebook Connect, including how they may access and use your data.
Facebook Platform Policies: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to applications, including Connect sites.
Advertising Guidelines: These guidelines outline the policies that apply to advertisements placed on Facebook.
Promotions Guidelines: These guidelines outline the policies that apply if you have obtained written pre-approval from us to offer contests, sweepstakes, and other types of promotions on Facebook.
How to Report Claims of Intellectual Property Infringement
How to Appeal Claims of Copyright Infringement
Pages Terms

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Mengambil Account FB yang kena Hack Atau Lupa Kata Sandi

Tujuan tulisan ini tidak mengajarkan bagaimana cara meng’Hack FaceBook tapi lebih kepada bagaimana mengatasi Account FB kita yang kena dikerjai orang, tapi jika ada yang berkeinginan melakukan Hack FB dengan cara ini saya berharap agar diurungkan saja karena tidak ada gunanya buat anda, hanya menimbulkan keburukan pada diri dan sikap tidak menyenangkan pada orang lain yang anda kerjai.
Hampir kebanyakan hack FB dengan cara mematikan Account anda untuk masuk ke FB. untuk mengatasi hal ini masuk ke facebook pada layar Log In pilih atau klik Tulisan “lupa kata sandi”

anda akan masuk pada form isian seperti gambar dibawah.

Isikan Alamat E-mail atau nomor telepon Anda pada saat mendaftar difacebook. Klik

Sebuah Halaman Permintaan Atur Ulang kata sandi akan muncul, Klik “Atur Ulang kata sandi saya” jika Icon Account anda yang muncul benar.

sebuah E-mail akan dikirim facebook pada alamat E-mail anda berisi Reset Password Account anda yang baru.
Buka alamat e-mail anda dan masukkan Kode reset konfirmasi yang baru anda terima dari Facebook
Contoh E-mail yang akan anda terima dari Facebook jika anda ingin mengubah Account Facebook anda.

Setelah memasukkan Reset Password Account, maka Anda akan diminta mengganti password
baru Account Facebook. Selesai, Anda sudah punya Password baru account FB anda yang di Hack.

Menurutku sebuah Account itu bisa di Hack jika mereka sudah mampu masuk ke dalam Account Anda dan mengotak atik menu didalam FB anda, jika hanya mampu melakukan reset account seperti diatas itu hanya orang yang mempunyai sedikit pengetahuan masalah komputer buat pamer. karena seorang Hacker tidak akan mau mengotak atik FB, hanya buang buang waktu.
Tips/Trik agar tidak Account FB tidak mudah dikerjai:

Jangan pernah menulis/memamerkan E-mail anda di Facebook, karena ini salah satu jalur tercepat Account Facebook Anda dikerjai.
Password E-mail jangan pernah sama dengan Password Account Facebook Anda

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Cara Heck Facebook

Sebenarnya banyak sekali Cara Hack Facebook atau Cara Hack Password Facebook, kali ini ada 3 cara Hack yang akan saya coba share untuk sahabat blog dofollow, Semoga tips dibawah ini bermanfaat ya.

Berikut ini adalah 3 Cara hack Facebook terbaru:
- Menggunakan FacebookZer
- Menggunakan Keylogger
- Menggunakan Social Attack

- Menggunakan FacebooZ
Hack facebook menggunakan Facebookzer adalah cara hack facebook yang cukup rumit , untuk cara hack facebook menggunakan Facebookzer , anda harus mempunyai program internet berupa software Java dari Sun Microsystem dan Framework minimal edisi 2.0 , bila di komputer anda tidak terpasang software ini , cobalah untuk melakukan cara hack facebook menggunakan FacebooZ ini di warnet , bila masih tidak ada fasilitas java dan Frameworknya , maka ikuti langkah langkah yang ada di bawah ini untuk cara hack facebook menggunakan FacebooZ.

Untuk Java :

1. Buka Alamat Web

2. Download Penginstall Java Tersebut ke Komputer anda , tetapi bila anda menemukan tulisan seperti di bawah ini , berarti anda tidak perlu menginstallnya lagi:

Verifying Java Version
You have the recommended Java installed (Version - Update --).

If you want to download Java for another computer or Operating System, see all Java downloads here.

To find out if Java is working on your system please visit:
Test your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

3. Install Program Java tersebut di komputer anda.

Untuk FrameWork :

1. Buka Alamat Web ,

2. Download FrameWork

3. Install program tersebut di komputer anda

Setelah mempersiapkan semua persiapan tadi , saatnya untuk ngopi menjalankan cara hack facebook menggunakan :D FacebooZ. Untuk menggunakan FacebooZ , silahkan ikuti langkah langkah di bawah ini.

1. Download Facebook di

2. Gunakan FacebooZ dengan bijak mengextract file zip tersebut , kalau anda belum punya WinZip silahkan cari di google dengan kata kunci "WinZip gratis atau Free WinZip" .Maaf untuk link untuk download WinZip ini tidak disediakan berhubung saya capek :D

3. Klik File yang bernama facebooZ.jar, kalau sudah memenuhi 2 syarat penggunaan cara hack facebook menggunakan facebooZ , lihat di atas

4. Maka akan tampil program FacebooZ , lalu anda kira kira sendiri, buka notepad , diisikan dengan kata kunci dari kamus indonesia-inggris dan data data si korban , misalkan di notepad diisikan tanggal lahir , alamat , hobi dan lain lain , lihat saja tulisan di bawah ini.

17 Agustus 1945 (merdeka !)
Jalan Di Hack Nomor 666 , Perumahan Nge Hack Gile Ajib !
Mancing,Hack Orang,Nungging Jangan Ditiru , Bahaya !


Lalu save dengan nama password.txt

5. Tunggu Hasilnya , hasilnya agak lama tapi cobalah untuk bersabar dengan cara hack facebook yang satu ini :D

- Menggunakan Keylogger
Cara hack facebook yang satu ini juga termasuk sulit dalam pengoperasiannya tapi cara hack facebook ini sangat efektif dan dapat memberikan anda banyak password selain password facebook , untuk menjalankan cara hack facebook ini langsung saja ikuti langkah langkah di bawah ini :

Download Perfect Keylogger di .Perfect keylogger bisa berjalan pada Windows 95, NT4, 98, Me, 2000, XP, Server 2003/2008, Vista. Serta internet Explorer 5.0 atau yang terbaru.

Untuk membuktikan kehebatan perfect keylogger, berikut ini langkah-langkahnya :

1. Jalankan file setupnya

2. Ketika dalam proses instalasi anda akan diminta memasukan nama panggilan untuk perfect keylogger, ini juga kelebihan perfect keylogger. Dengan begini maka perfect keylogger lebih dapat tersamarkan keberadaanya.

3. Setelah itu anda diminta untuk menentukan keberadaan instalasi program perfect keylogger ini, apabila anda menaruh di tempat-tempat yang lebih dalam di folder WINDOWS maka ini juga dapat menghindari perfect keylogger ketahuan. Dan dalam bagian proses instalasi ini terdapat jenis instalasi perfect keylogger, apakah anda ingin menginstall secara regular atau stealth. Apabila anda menginstall Stealth maka yang akan di install hanya mesin programnya saja tanpa file Help dan Uninstaller.

4. Karena softwae ini adalah versi trial, jadi hanya berlaku 5 hari saja. Untuk bisa menggunakan dalam jangka waktu panjang, anda harus membeli serial numbernya. Meski demikian, semua fitur dalam versi trial ini sudah terbuka dan cukup untuk membuktikan kecanggihannya.

5. Klik Continue Evaluation untuk melanjutkan dengan Demo version ini. Lalu akan terbuka programnya. Untuk melihat properti dan settingan dari keylogger ini anda dapat lihat di pojok kanan bawah monitor anda.

6. Klik kanan logo tersebut dan akan muncul pop up menu dari perfect keylogger. Pilih menu Option untuk melihat dan men-setting keylogger-nya.

7. Pertama-tama kita set terlebih dahulu Hotkeys untuk memanggil Perfect Keylogger, secara default kombinasi tombol Ctrl+Alt+L dipakai untuk memanggil Perfect Keylogger. Untuk lebih aman anda atur sendiri kombinsai tombol tersebut. Lalu setting Invisibility untuk mengatur kesamaran keylogger.

8. Lalu kita lihat menu Logging, disini dapat anda set objek/hal apa saja yang anda ingin rekam dalam keylogger ini. Lalu anda dapat menset password keylogger ini supaya tidak ada orang lain yang dapat mengakses keylogger ini selain anda.

9. Hasil logging terhadap hentakan keyboard dapat dilihat dengan akses pop up menu tadi dalam jendela Log Viewer.

10. Lalu di dalam menu Screenshots, anda dapat menset settingan Perfect Keylogger untuk merekam screenshot komputer korban. Disini dapat di setting waktu, kualitas gambar, ukuran gambar dan screenshots ketika adanya hentakan pada tombol mouse.

11. Di menu E-mail, anda dapat mengatur laporan log Perfect Keylogger untuk dikirimkan ke email anda. Disini anda dapat men-set waktu pengiriman, log apa saja yang akan dikirim, besar limit file dan lainnya.

12. Dalam tab Delivery anda diharuskan mengisi form yang disediakan sebagai syarat dalam pengiriman file ke email anda. Perfect Keylogger hanya bisa mengirim file ke email yang memiliki smtp dan fasilitas POP3 jadi hotmail dan yahoo tidak bisa digunakan. Untuk lebih mudahnya, sebaiknya gunakan email telkomnet atau plasa karena setting pop3 dan smtp untuk keduanya sangat mudah. Pada kotak isian smtp, isilah dengan “” tanpa tanda kutip.

13. FTP akses pun perlu apabila port 80 ataupun 25 ditutup, supaya jaga-jaga file anda tidak terkirim. Di tab Delivery anda harus menset alamat FTP dan user password maupun direktori FTP tersebut.

14. Remote Installation. Menu ini adalah keunggulan lainnya dari Perfect Keylogger, karena Perfect Keylogger akan membentuk sebuah executable file yang digabungkan dengan file apapun. Jadi lebih mirip trojan yang dibungkus file gambar. Perlu diingatkan file remote executable yang telah terbentuk tadi terbentuk dengan settingan Perfect Keylogger anda pada awal tadi.

15. Ketika anda masuk ke menu dimana anda diminta untuk memilih sebuah file untuk di kombinasikan dengan Perfect Keylogger remote exe.anda dapat men-set juga tanggal uninstalisasi apabila anda ingin menghilangkan keylogger tersebut di komputer korban pada waktu tertentu. Untuk kombinasi file lebih baik menggunakan gambar agar korban tidak curiga. Dan isikan juga lokasi folder instalasi keylogger di komputer korban nantinya.

16. File remote pun terbentuk. Silahkan tes remote file tadi. Pengetesan sebaiknya dilakuan pada Vmware ataupun Virtual PC agar anda tidak menjadi korban. Perlu diingatkan file remote executable yang telah terbentuk tadi terbentuk dengan settingan Perfect Keylogger anda pada awal tadi.

17. Perfect Keylogger tidak terdeteksi Remove program dan Window Task Manager. Ini berarti Perfect Keylogger benar-benar tidak terdeteksi dan patut dikatakan PERFECT.

Jika Perfect Keylogger bekerja dengan baik, semua aktifitas user di komputer tersebut akan terpantu dengan baik termasuk password emailnya. Lebih celakanya lagi, jik auser tersebut melakukan transaksi jual beli online menggunakan kartu kredit atau e-banking. Maka semuanya akan terpantau.

- Menggunakan Social Attack
Cara hack facebook yang ini paling sederhana dan mudah dilakukan semua orang , dengan bermodalkan keakraban , anda bisa mengatahui password orang tersebut dengan memintanya saja. Untuk itu anda harus mempunyai status sosial yang agak tinggi supaya anda bisa mendapatkan password dengan social attack.

Sekali lagi semoga bermanfaat ya informasi Cara Hack Facebook yang telah saya share di atas.

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Cara Membuat Blog

Silahkan anda kunjungi website
Setelah page terbuka, silahkan anda klik CREATE AN ACCOUNT setelah anda klik, maka akan muncul form untuk mengisikan nama dan password. Silahkan isi dan anda harus selalu ingat username dan password yang anda isikan.
Jangan lupa untuk menceklist Term of service agreement.
Kemudian klik tombol panah "Continue" untuk melanjutkan ke langkah ke-3
Bagian ini sangat penting, karena nama dari blog anda nantinya akan menjadi sebuah keyword.
TIPS: agar blog anda mudah terindex oleh search engine(mesin pencari), maka alangkah lebih bagusnya jika anda membuat sebuah kesamaan antara addres dan name dari blog anda!
Sekarang klik tombol panah ORANGE"Continue" untuk melanjutkan ke langkah ke-4


Sekarang anda haya tinggal selangkah lagi untuk mempunyai webblog buatan sendiri!!!
Disini anda ditujukan untuk memilih warna dan bentuk dari web anda. Silahkan pilih sesuai dengan topic dan selera anda.
OK jika anda sudah selesai memilih template, sekarang kita akan lanjut ke langkah berikutnya.
Sekarang klik tombol panah ORANGE"Continue" untuk melanjutkan ke langkah ke-5

Sekarang blogger akan menciptakan blog anda. Setelah blog selesai dibuat, maka di browser anda akan ada tulisan "Your Blog Has Beeb Created" Klik start Posting untuk untuk membuat artikel/tulisan pertamamu.
Sekarang Isikan Judul artikel kamu pada kolom tile, dan tulis isi dari artikelmu di bawahnya!

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Jeritan Hati Dikala Cahaya Cinta Sejati Telah Hilang

Saat-saat indah itupun telah berlalu yang tertinggal hanya kenangan pahit yg terbungkus dalam balutan air mata tapi kuyakin inilah jalan yg terbaik sebab kita sama tapi jauh sangat berbeda,aku bukanlah orang yg pantas memelukmu dengan cinta karena ini terlarang...

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Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO


Kejujuran dan Manfaatnya

Yg Terpenting bukan kebohongan apa yg km lakukan,tp seberapa besar penghargaanmu atas kepercayaan orang lain.Dan,bukan tetang kesalahan apa yg telah km perbuat, tp apa km mengetahui kesalahanmu ? dan seberapa besar keinginanmu merubahnya.
Orang yg bertanggung jawab akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dgn sungguh-".Kalau melakukan kesalahan,dia berani mengakuinya.Ketika mengalami kegagalan,dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan.Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati,dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun.Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yg bertanggung jawab atas apapun yg dialami dan dirasakannya.

Kunci untuk kebahagiaan sejati ada di tangan kita. Untuk berpikir seperti ini adalah untuk menemukan nilai-nilai penting dari kebaikan, kasih persaudaraan dan altruisme. Semakin jelas kita melihat manfaat dari nilai-nilai ini, semakin kita akan berusaha untuk menolak apa pun yang menentang mereka, dengan cara ini kita akan mampu membawa transformasi batin.
Ini tentang kau dan sejuta persepsi
Dimana kau hakimi diriku dengan nafsu
Yang kau tak pernah tau siapa sebenarnya diriku ini
Ada alasan untuk setiap langkah
Tak perlu banyak tanya lihat saja sejarah
Hidup berawal dari mimpi.. mimpi..
Mimpi yang terekam ruang dimensi
Ini aku,Sang Pencipta yang tau
Aku yang ga sempurna kadang temukan jalan buntu
Lalu apa hak mu menghakimi
Biarlah semua ini menjadi misteri Illahi.

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